Monday, September 14, 2015


© Carol J. Stevens         17 X 23"     mixed water-media on Yupo

Scarab’s history began our first night back in our Florida home after it had been closed up for six months.  The last thing I did before falling asleep, exhausted from cleaning, was to throw a little paint on some Yupo.  During the night I awoke and decided to see how it was drying.  Only then did I discover a huge black Palmetto bug doing the breast stroke across the still damp Yupo.  After I smashed and flushed him, I saw his beautiful marks.  Too late!  He was gone before I could thank him.  His mark was my first layer to build on but can still be found and so this painting is dedicated to all who love water media, be they human or bug. 

Leesburg Art Association 
“Spring Show”
Best of Show, 2013 

National Watercolor Society
“Annual Exhibition”, 2013

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